In the picturesque Liptov village of Ludrová, there is a Gothic church from the last third of the 13th century. It was originally built in a simplified early Gothic style typical for the Liptov region. Later, its interior and exterior were decorated with murals and a western tower was added to it. In the 17th century, a late Renaissance wall was built around the church, which borders the whole area up to the present day.
The Church of All Saints belongs to the administration of the Liptov Museum and is one of its expositions. The most valuable part of the church is its interior which is a testimony to the medieval wall painting. On the northern wall of the original aisle, there is a figural triptych with the figures of the Virgin Mary the Protector, Suffering Christ and St. John the Baptist.
The church stands in a field about a kilometer from Ružomberok. As an exposition of the Liptov Museum, it is freely accessible during the summer season and even as a guided tour for a symbolic admission. The Church of All Saints can also be viewed through virtual reality.
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