The most famous Slovak spa town, Piešťany, boasts of the unique Balneological Museum of Imrich Winter, founded in 1931 thanks to the Piešťany Museum Society and the Winter family. The Balneological Museum is located in the building of the Kúpeľná dvorana (Spa Hall) built in 1893. There are exhibitions of balneohistory, mineral waters of Slovakia, ethnography and archeology.
The main exposition in the Spa Hall building offers visitors to the museum unique finds from the Early Stone Age from Moravian nad Váhom, from the rich graves from Stráže, from the locality "Starý Kláštor" (Old Monastery). The exposition also documents the history of the town and the use of mineral waters in Piešťany.
Equally interesting is the exposition presenting local folk culture, where you can see costumes, sculptures, ceramics and the original old house with a straw roof. A separate exhibition is also dedicated to General Milan Rastislav Štefánik and Ludwig van Beethoven.
A part of the balneological museum is also a memorial room of Ivan Krasko, which is located in his apartment in Piešťany and describes the life and work of this important Slovak poet. Last but not least, you can also see Villa of Dr. Liska, which offers a new exposition "History of Slovak Spas" and an interesting exposition "Sacral Art from collections of the Balneological Museum ".
You may need some: accommodation Piešťany