Almost fabulous natural scenery can be found in Bobrovec Valley, which leads under Sivý vrch (Grey Hill) to Brestová (1902 m above sea level). The valley is about 5 km long and even today you can see traces of iceberg activity, which are also Bobrovec mountain lakes.
The system of Bobrovec lakes consists of White, Black, Small and nameless Bobrovec lake, which is well hidden from tourists. The largest of them is the White Lake located south of the Pálenica Saddle. It is surrounded by the shrubs that complete a beautiful natural scenery.
Black Bobrovec Lake is the lowest-lying of all and dries out during the summer. It has a circular shape and is surrounded by a larger boulder and smaller rocks and dense scrub pine.
There is a forest in the lower part of the Bobrovec Valley, and the mountain meadows alternate with the dwarf-pine in the upper part. A yellow tourist trail leads through the valley to the Pálenica Saddle, which passes through the main ridge of the Western Tatras. From Zuberec, there are mountain lakes along the tourist trail about 4km away.
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