In Bohunice nad Váhom, a small village in the foothills of the massive Vršatecké Bradlá, the romantic mansion from the mid-19th century built in Neo-Gothic style stands proudly.
The manor house is surrounded by dense and beautiful border forests of Moravia and the White Carpathians. However, it has equally breathtaking exposures in its interior. It became the home of the Museum of the White Carpathians region.
Curious visitors as well as those who yearn for historical artifacts can find here wax figures of prominent personalities of the region made by Local Action Group Vršatec (Božena Obrová, St. Benedict, Vojtech Zamarovský).
The museum also manages the exhibition of historic motorcycles, which were produced in Považské machine plant, or former and contemporary fauna and flora.
Art lovers will surely not miss the magnificent permanent exhibition of Genius Loci from the work of Bohunice native painter Ján Matejka.
In addition, you can also look forward to an exhibition of Ľudmila Podjavorinská, an exhibition of glass from the glassworks in Lednické Rovne, an ethnographic exhibition of canvas production in the region and an antique boudoir of the opera singer Božena Riznerová-Obrová.
The tour of the mansion, in the spirit of good old days, can be finished with a walk in the adjacent park with a pond or a you can also visit the neo-Gothic chapel.
You may need some: accommodation district Ilava