The beautiful and magical historical center of Banska Bystrica is completed by the City Castle, which is not only its dominant feature but also a characteristic symbol thanks to its silhouette of a pair of bulbous towers.
Do not look for the city castle anywhere else than directly in the city center in the upper part of Š. Moyzes Square. It was built in the 14th century on the site of a late Romanesque parish church, fortified with a system of earth mounds and palisades. These were later replaced by the** stone walls, supplemented by bastions surrounded by an outer ditch**.
The town castle complex consists of the Church of Virgin Mary, the so-called Matej's house, the so-called Slovak church, town hall, rectory building and stone fortifications with bastions, entrance gate with barbican, which served as the entrance to the place
The city castle in Banska Bystrica was supposed to protect the town, but also to gather the profit from the mining business. It was the seat of king's representative and the church, and also town council had meetings here.
The oldest building is the late Romanesque parish church of the Virgin Mary from the second half of the 13th century. Also worth mentioning is the historic cemetery, which is located next to Matej's house. It is a resting place for many national writers. You will also find an impressive view of the castle complex from this location.
The castle complex and the individual buildings have undergone several structural modifications or reconstructions, yet they have retained their historical character. There is also a cozy café in the castle area, and a restaurant too.
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