The time required is approx. 2 hours.
The time required is approx. 2 hours.

The mountain range of volcanic origin, Vtáčnik, is rich in many popular tourist sites. However, it also has plenty of corners, which are not so much explored by tourists, but nevertheless do not lag behind those visited.

This is also the case for the Eagle Stone Hill. It is located in the central part of the Vtáčnik mountain range, above the village of Podhradie. This hill does not rise significantly into the surrounding area, as it is densely covered with mixed forest, but offers great and undisturbed hiking.

The top part is deforested on one side and the cherry of your exit will be** beautiful views of Kľacká Valley**. If you still have enough power, you can carry on to the neighbouring Jarabá Rock or White Rock.

The Eagle Stone is part of the ridge of Vtáčnik. The hill is accessible by yellow trail from Podhradie (approx. 6 km, 2:45h), or by a ridge from the White or Jarabá rocks.

You may need some: accommodation Podhradie (district Prievidza)
Tourist map (GPS 48.66618, 18.67136)
Google maps (Navigation)
Martin • Dec 2022
Photos added:

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