
Only 15 km from Rimavská Sobota, there is a picturesque karst area of Drienčanský Karst, which is not so well known among tourists, but still hides a large number of protected plants, natural and historical monuments, just waiting for your visit.

This place is also equipped with an unpretentious educational trail, which brings tourists closer to its beauties since 1989. The educational trail goes from the village of Drienčany, from the church, and takes about 2 hours.

The trail leads through the territory which was settled already in the Neolithic period and later in the Bronze and Iron Age. Educational trail has 15 stops with information boards about the characteristic features of the site rich in caves, karst pits and scraps.

An interesting feature of the walkway is the Small and Big Drienčany Cave, where remains of post-tertiary mammals were found. The Small Drienčanská Cave is open to the public and impresses visitors with its catching arched entrances.

The last stop of this nature trail is dedicated to karst lakes, which are completely dry during the hot months.

On the way back, you will certainly enjoy the sundial and fairy-tale labyrinth. Here, after a fair 7 km hike, you can relax in the summer-houses, where you can also start a fire and roast a speck.

You may need some: accommodation district Rimavská Sobota
Tourist map (GPS 48.48314, 20.07018)
Google maps (Navigation)
Anonym • Dec 2022
„Aj podľa nás je zle značený chodník, turistom by pomohlo dopísať na tabule ich vzdialenosť od seba. Napr. my sme mali problém nájsť tabuľu číslo 3 od tabule číslo 4, prechádzali sme lúkou bez značenia. Ale, musím povedať, že je tu krásne...“
Zlatica Antalikova • Sep 2021
„Súhlasim ... Vôbec sa nedá orientovať ktorým smerom ísť....boli sme sklamaní... “
Anonym • Aug 2021
„Presne tak. Zlé značenie. Našli sme len tabuľu č. 15 a netušili sme, ktorým smerom ísť ďalej. “
Anonym • May 2021
„Veľmi zlé značenie. Cestou k tabuli č.5 pred mostom mätúca tabuľa s nápisom "jaskyne" ktorá vás úplne vyvedie zo smeru náučného chodníka. Medzi jednotlivými tabuľami kopec iných chodníčkov a je veľmi problematické sa zorientovať ktorý je ten náučný. Inak prostredie krásne.“

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