In the Kremnica Mountains, directly above the town of Kremnica, there is a mysterious tunnel that abounds in rich history. This is the Görgey tunnel, which is exceptional even on the worldwide basis.
The tunnel was named after the well-known 1848/49 Revolutionary Warrior for Hungarian independence, General Arthur Görgey, whose army, driven off by the imperial troops, pushed through the tunnel to the other side. The tunnel itself was probably built by the Thurzo-Fugger mining company.
Görgey's tunnel leads through the rocky cliff in the Vyhnátová Saddle, which made the road between Banská Bystrica and Kremnica shortened and accelerated. It was restored to its present-day appearance in 2016 by tourist enthusiasts.
A tourist trail Tajov - Kremnica leads through the Tunnel, and above the Tunnel, there is a famous Road of Slovak National Uprising Heroes. In the past, an obelisk with a Hungarian turul on top and a memorial plaque in front of the tunnel were placed in honor of Görgey's troops. Today, tourists will find a board here to clarify the story of the transition of the Czar troops.
The tunnel can be accessed from two sides, either from Králiky and Tajov, as well as from Turček and Krahule.
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