The time required is approx. 1 hour.
The time required is approx. 1 hour.

The dominating feature of the Zbojská saddle is a magnificent lookout tower revolving around the folk architecture. The perfect rural atmosphere is enhanced by the ubiquitous forests of the Vepor Hills.

The quadrangular tower lined with shingle was built by the State Nature Conservation of the Slovak Republic on a grassy hillside. In its lower part, there is a smaller chapel of St. George with a separate entrance. The lookout tower is exceptional also for its interior, which is rarely seen anywhere else.

At the entrance, you find yourself in a smaller room with mounted forest animals, which give a picture of the local fauna. On the first floor, there are memorial chronicles guarding the wooden statue of a hermit. The next floor is in the spirit of shepherding. The third floor is dedicated to the brigandage, from which the name Zbojská (in Slovak, zboj = brigandage) was taken over.

After a tour of each floor you have to climb the steep stairs to the top and ring the bell Hronec. Only then you will be presented with a fairy tale view of the Zbojská Saddle, Čertova Valley, Kučalach Hill or Fabova hoľa Saddle.

Near the lookout tower, there is also a carved sculpture of the brigand Jakub Surovec, which is part of the educational Brigands’ path. If you become ravenous after long journey, a restaurant called Salaš Zbojská, which serves traditional Slovak cuisine, is nearby.

You may need some: accommodation Pohronská Polhora
Tourist map (GPS 48.74078, 19.85052)
Google maps (Navigation)
Anonym • May 2022
„šindeľ, nie šingel. ale zajtra sa tam idem pozriet, či sa nemylim 😁“
Anonym • Aug 2021
„Krasna rozhladna prostredie ale ten neporiadok pri vstupe - hrozne. Viem , že to robia turisti ale obcas by to mal spravca upratat alebo osadiť aspoň smetne koše, pretože turisti sa poriadku nenaucia.😁😁“

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