Nearby the village of Bystrička, close to the town of Martin, a small lookout tower on the so-called Tank Road was built in 2013. It is an old military route that once connected a tank shooting range at Martin with ammunition depots.
The lookout tower on the Tank Road is the fourth sister of other lookout towers in Kalník, under Brotnica Hill and "na Tŕní". They all have common features, namely the one-storey wooden structure and also the fact that they are also part of the main cycling path in Turiec region.
From the lookout tower, you can enjoy a magnificent view not only of the nearby town of Martin, but also of the Great Fatra with the Lysec, Borišov, Ploská, Tlstá, Ostrá and Drieňok hills, as well as the Little Fatra.
Lovers of mountain biking as well as recreational cyclists are advised to set out for a one-day about 50 km long circuit along the Turiec Lookout Towers. From each of them, you will enjoy a unique view of the surrounding wreath of Fatra Mountains, as well as the Turčianska Garden (or Turiec Basin).
You may need some: accommodation Bystrička