When it is said "Martin Kukučín", his significant literary works such as Dom v stráni, Rysavá jalovica or Keď báčik z Chochoľova umrie come to our mind. But do you know where to find his birthhouse?
Until today, this village has been surrounded by the unspoiled beauty of Slovak nature in the village of Jasenová. The memorial house of this important Slovak writer and doctor was built by his father Ján Bencúr in the 19th century, as evidenced by the inscription engraved in the beam in the front room.
With its inner and outer appearance, the house presents the environment in which this Slovak novelist was born and grew up. Nowadays, besides the exposition of a house that brings life in Jasenová at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries closer, visitors can also see a literary section devoted to his extensive literary work.
In close proximity to the commemorative house, specifically in a small park, there is also a statue of Martin Kukučín in an above-life size from academic painter Ján Kulich.
You may need some: accommodation district Dolný KubínPavol Országh Hviezdoslav was one of the leading figures of Slovak literature and Slovak culture at the turn of the 19th century and the 20th century. His extensive and i...