In the nature of Banská Štiavnica, in the picturesque valley below the Klinger tajch (water reservoir) on the outskirts of the town, there is the Mining Museum (open-air museum). The mining museum has two expositions - surface and deep.
Surface exposition represents mining buildings and facilities, moved here from various areas of Slovakia, educational geological exposition, exposure to quarry mining and mining machinery.
The most significant exhibit of surface exposure is clearly Kachelman's water-column towing machine, moved here from the Lill shaft in Hodruša.
The biggest attraction of the deep exposition is going down the shaft to Bartolomew gallery, which you will pass in the mining cloak, with a helmet and with a lantern.
The guided tour will introduce you to the 17th-19th century mining works, old mining tools and equipment. The most valuable exhibit is the underground horse capstan from the second half of the 19th century. It reminds of times when two thousand horses and the same number of people were pumping groundwater. It is the only rescue facility of its kind in Slovakia.
Even during the hot summer, don't forget your jacket or sweater and sturdy shoes.
You may need some: accommodation Banská Štiavnica