The Museum of Slovak National Councils in Myjava is a specialized organizational unit of the Slovak National Museum in Bratislava. It opened its gates for the first time in 1968 on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of foundation of the first Slovak National Council.
Museum of Slovak National Councils focuses on documenting the history of individual Slovak National Councils, maps the activities of the Slovak National Council, its representatives and other personalities of the Slovak nation from its origins to the present.
The exhibition is installed in the pavilion at the house of Anna Koléniová, where on 19 September 1848, the first Slovak National Council met for the first time.
In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum also presents attractive short-term exhibitions. In the atrium of the museum, there is also a sculptural group of K. Patakyová: The Nation Awakening from the Bondage, a tall bronze relief of R. Pribiš: At the Time of Bondage, a bronze sculpture by J. Kostka: The Binding of the Years and the sculpture of Š. Belohradský: Slovak Linden.
The complex is a national cultural monumentand besides the house of Anna Koléniová, it is made up of two other objects, buildings from the 20s - 40s of the 20th century, houses of J. Bradáč and Kubovčiak, which are connected by a connecting pergola.
Since 1990, the Museum of Slovak National Councils has been extended by the Museum of Milan Rastislav Štefánik in Košariská.
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