Slovak Paradise is a truly exceptional location that will enchant you with its varied landscape diversity. It is characterized mainly by deep and narrow rock valleys of local streams with numerous cascades and waterfalls, also called gorges, ravines or gulleys.
One of such interesting gulley of the Slovak Paradise begins in the village of Hrabušická Píla, about 5 km from Hrabušice It is called Piecky and is a romantic, quiet and peaceful gulley.
There is a wonderful hike through the rich forest stands and between the rock walls. Apparently, the biggest attractions are the waterfalls, especially the Big Waterfall with a height of approximately 13 meters, somewhat shorter Cascade Waterfall and an 8 meter Terraced Waterfall.
The path along the waterfalls is secured by ladders, footsteps and chains. The route is passable in the summer, in the autumn and in the spring, when you can also enjoy the amazing ice creations.
The trail leads along the yellow tourist sign starting in the village of Píla and ending on the hill of Suchá Belá. With good weather, the transition takes 2 - 2.5 hours. If you still want to go after another adventure, you can continue along the red hiking trail that will take you to Podlesok.
You may need some: accommodation district Spišská Nová Ves