The picturesque village of Vlkolínec is a symbol of folk architecture. Apart from the rare wooden buildings, it also stands out for its beautiful nature. The dominant hill in this area is Sidorovo Hill, which offers a pleasant, although in terms of steeper terrain a bit more demanding tourism.
Sidorovo Hill is created by limestone and dolomites. It is characterized by massive rocky walls and barings, which are best seen on the south side. On the eastern and western sides, there are numerous rock needles.
The peaks offer fabulous views down into the valley as well as the surrounding hills. You can admire Vlkolínec, Biely Potok, Revúcka Valley as well as the more distant Low Tatras.
The ascent route leads from the village of Vlkolínec (approx. 2.5 km) by a steep climb on a rocky road along the yellow mark to the saddle below Sidorovo in Vlkolínské meadows. Here you have to turn to the red sign to reach Sidorovo Peak in 40-50 minutes. You can also come here from Biele Potok or Ružomberok (about 4 km).
You may need some: accommodation Ružomberok