The village of Hunkovce is known for its beautiful wooden church. The Greek Catholic Church of the Ascension of the Holy Mother of God is from the late 18th century. It stands in the middle of the village on a hill in a cemetery surrounded by trees.
Wooden churches are characterized by their three-part structure. Even this one is no exception. It is a three-part and three-roomed baroque log house.
The most important part of the temple is the shrine. In symbolic terms, it represents the Kingdom of heaven, i.e. the glorified Church. Unfortunately, the original interior decoration is missing. However, some rare icons are stored in the Šariš Museum in Bardejov.
In 2010, the shingle roof and the entire cladding were replaced at the temple as part of the Rescue of Wooden Temples on the International Wooden Road Project. The wooden skeleton in Hunkovce belongs to the administration of the Greek Catholic parish office in Hunkovce.
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