Things to do and tourist attractions in Bánovce nad Bebravou and surroundings

Only these types of attractions are shown: zoology and botany and castle ruins. reset filter
10.5 km
Uhrovec Castle
Castle ruins
The Uhrovec Castle is a ruin above the village of Uhrovské Podhradie. It was built in the 13th century in the inaccessible terrain of the Nitrica Hills. During the centur...
Uhrovské Podhradie
14.1 km
Summer house Babylon
Castle ruins
On the hill of Hôrka above the village of Brodzany, there is a summer house Babylon, where time seems to have stopped. The summer house was built in 1911 by Duchess Natal...
16.9 km
Topoľčany Castle
Castle ruins
Immediately above the village of Podhradie, the romantic ruins of Topoľčany Castle rise to the heights. It was built at the end of the 13th century as a royal castle. The...
21.4 km
Ruins of the church on Vrchhora
Castle ruins
The mysterious Tribeč Mountains offer unique places with a rich history. Such a place is Vrchhora, where the remains of a Renaissance church and a Baroque chapel are hidd...
Veľký Klíž
24.3 km
Bojnice Zoo
Zoology and botany
National Zoo in Bojnice is the oldest and most visited zoo in Slovakia. Bojnice Zoo lies in close proximity to the romantic Bojnice Castle. It belongs to zoos of general...
24.7 km
Tematín Castle
Castle ruins
Tematín Castle, or better said the ruins that remain from it, are still majestically rising above the Váh river valley. Since the 13th century, this castle was the center...
27.4 km
Black Castle (Čierny hrad)
Castle ruins
Not far from the village of Zlatno, on the wooded outcrop of the mountain of Tríbeč, there used to stand the Black Castle (orig. "Čierny hrad"), which protected mainly th...
27.4 km
ZOO Farm New Zealand
Zoology and botany
Beautiful afternoon or weekend with your children can be experienced in the middle of the green hills of western Slovakia behind the village of Modrová. Here you can find...
27.7 km
Beckov Castle
Castle ruins
Beckov Castle rises on a high steep cliff above Beckov. The history of the castle dates back to the 12th century, when the old castle is mentioned in the chronicle by an ...
28.2 km
Ruins of Sivý Kameň Castle
Castle ruins
On the andesite hummock towering above the village of Podhradie, there are ruins of a medieval castle called Sivý Kameň (ie Grey Rock). The castle was built in the first ...
28.8 km
Ruins of Košecký Castle
Castle ruins
Above the village of Košecké Podhradie, there are small ruins of the Košecký Castle. The castle was said to have been built by the Templars upon their return from Palesti...
Košecké Podhradie
29.0 km
Bison Game Preserve
Zoology and botany
The oak forests near Topolčianki are the only place in Slovakia where you can admire the majestic European bison in direct contact with nature. Theseproud animals are the...
29.4 km
Hrušov Castle
Castle ruins
North of the famous wine-growing village of Topoľčianky, the ruins of the Hrušov castle have been standing for centuries. Its remnants of massive walls and towers rise up...
31.1 km
Oponice Castle
Castle ruins
The Oponice Castle - more accurate ruins of the castle - is located on the western tip of the mountain of Tribeč above the village of Oponice. The first written mention o...
34.1 km
Živánska tower in Cigánska Valley
Castle ruins
In the beautiful surroundings of the Cigánska Valley, which separates the mountains Tribeč and Pohronský Inovec, there are remnants of the Živánská Tower. Once a massive ...
Jedľové Kostoľany
34.3 km
Gýmeš Castle
Castle ruins
The ruins of Gýmeš Castle are situated on the steep Dúň hill, about 5 km from the village of Jelenec. In the past, it was the center of the surrounding Gýmeš County (Hung...
35.2 km
National Stud - horse breeding museum
Zoology and botany
Topoľčianky National Stud is one of the world's most important stud farms. It is a specialized facility for horse breeding in buildings with thoughtful architecture, urba...
36.7 km
Castle of Čachtice
Castle ruins
Čachtice Castle was founded in the first half of the 13th century. It was one of the first castles to secure the western border of Hungary, especially in the 13th century...
39.4 km
Vršatec Castle
Castle ruins
Vršatec Rocks are a massive limestone massif that is unmistakable and easily visible from a distance. They rise above the village of Vršatské Podhradie and hide the ruins...
Vršatské Podhradie
40.6 km
Revište Castle
Castle ruins
The mysterious and idyllic Revište Castle spreads over the picturesque village of Revišstké Podzámčie. It is a ruin of a Gothic castle on the edge of a forested cliff on ...
Žarnovica - Revištské Podzámčie
40.8 km
Animal park "Zveropark"
Zoology and botany
Zveropark in Revištské Podzámčie is a place where nature is as beautiful as from a fairy tale, interesting animals, a roaring waterfall, a lake full of fish, a meadow per...
Žarnovica - Revištské Podzámčie
42.3 km
Zoology and botany
More than 100 animals live on our mini-farm all year round, all of them are unique by their small growth. Have you ever seen a goat as big as a hen? Or a hen as big as a ...
43.4 km
Zobor Hillfort
Castle ruins
Zobor Hillfort is the oldest and most extensive monument near the city of Nitra. It is also a national cultural monument. The hillfort s bordered by a defensive wall, al...
43.7 km
Lednice Castle
Castle ruins
On the rock, which rises above the village of Lednica, ruins of Lednica Castle can be found. Castle used to serve to guard the border once. It was built in the first half...
45.1 km
Mlyňany Arboretum
Zoology and botany
If you want to switch off for a while, relax and enjoy the beautiful flowers, woody plants or other types of flora, we would probably recommend the most famous arboretum ...
Vieska nad Žitavou
46.5 km
Ruins of Breznica Castle
Castle ruins
On the wooded hill of Hrádok, which rises on the western edge of the Štiavnické Hills, a medieval castle of Bzenica once stood. The remains of a relatively large castle h...
Tekovská Breznica
46.8 km
Znievsky Castle
Castle ruins

Another beautiful castle ruin from the Turiec region is the one that rises on a high limestone rock above the village of Kláštor pod Znievom. This charming ruin in the Tu...

Kláštor pod Znievom
47.5 km
Botanical Garden of SPU in Nitra
Zoology and botany
The Botanical Garden of the Slovak University of Agriculture (SPU) in Nitra is located directly on the premises of the university. It offers visitors a rich range of pla...
48.0 km
Ruins of Teplica Castle (Pustý Castle)
Castle ruins
In the woods, not far from the village of Sklené Teplice, there are hidden remnants of the Teplica Castle, which is almost unknown among tourists. The castle had an excel...
Sklené Teplice
49.6 km
Považský hrad
Castle ruins
The ruins of the Považský Castle rise on a steep rock on the right bank of the Váh River above the center of Považská Bystrica. The Považský Castle was also called Bystr...
Považské Podhradie