Things to do and tourist attractions in Dolna Nitra

Only these types of attractions are shown: zoology and botany and horses, riding. reset filter
Ranch Čakýň
Horses, riding
A place to find the beauty of nature and the animal kingdom. A place where relaxation and entertainment is a mandatory equippment of every visitor. To experience this, v...
Slovak Hafling
Horses, riding
The Slovák family deals with breeding Haflinger horses, whose history dates back to the Middle Ages. You can find them in the picturesque village of Podhorany, near Nitra...
El Zorro Equestrian Club
Horses, riding
Not far from the bustle of the city of Nitra, there is the village of Branč, where the time goes somewhat slower and the nature is harmoniously living with majestic and b...
National Stud - horse breeding museum
Zoology and botany
Topoľčianky National Stud is one of the world's most important stud farms. It is a specialized facility for horse breeding in buildings with thoughtful architecture, urba...
Botanical Garden of SPU in Nitra
Zoology and botany
The Botanical Garden of the Slovak University of Agriculture (SPU) in Nitra is located directly on the premises of the university. It offers visitors a rich range of pla...
Mlyňany Arboretum
Zoology and botany
If you want to switch off for a while, relax and enjoy the beautiful flowers, woody plants or other types of flora, we would probably recommend the most famous arboretum ...
Vieska nad Žitavou
Western Club
Horses, riding
A small family business whose priority is to provide people with fun and contact with horses. They follow the phrase - quality over quantity, which is why you do not find...
Ranch Y
Horses, riding
Ranch Y in the village of Solčany is a place where you will experience dynamism, grandeur, power, freedom, peace, grace and fun. It will enchant you with its rich offer o...
Bison Game Preserve
Zoology and botany
The oak forests near Topolčianki are the only place in Slovakia where you can admire the majestic European bison in direct contact with nature. Theseproud animals are the...
Nové Sedlo Ranch
Horses, riding
Ranch Nové Sedlo (New Saddle) is situated in a quiet area at the pond, near the village of Cabaj-Čápor. The spaces are designed to serve the leisure and entertainment of ...
Cabaj - Čápor
Farmyard Veľká Dolina
Horses, riding
Farmyard Veľká Dolina is a family farm focused on agriculture, Jersey cattle breeding, horse breeding and riding. You can book riding lessons adapted to your experience,...
Veľká Dolina
Ranch Melody horses
Horses, riding
We are a beautiful family ranch located near the town of Nové Zámky. We breed American horses, which are known for their friendly nature. Our horses are 100% calm and bal...
MADONAN Farmpark foto
2.7 km
MADONAN Farmpark
Zoology and botany
If you are thinking where to go with children for a trip, come and see our farm park. Here you will find many animals typical of the Slovak farming, but also a number of ...
Equestrian centre Equionyx foto
3.7 km
Equestrian centre Equionyx
Horses, riding
Equestrian centre Equionyx is located near the Sĺňava reservoir, just 3 km south of the town of Piešťany, in the area of the original agricultural cooperative. Enter the...
Farm Veľký Clíž foto
4.0 km
Farm Veľký Clíž
Horses, riding
Farm Veľký Clíž is a small family farm dedicated to horse breeding. For visitors, it offers riding lessons for young and old or the possibility of riding a horse. The fa...
Veľký Klíž
Bobi's Ranch foto
4.4 km
Bobi's Ranch
Horses, riding
An attractive setting on the banks of the Hron River is a place where you will experience a plenty of adventures, active relaxation and a symbiosis of nature and animal k...
Nový Tekov
ZOO Farm New Zealand foto
5.1 km
ZOO Farm New Zealand
Zoology and botany
Beautiful afternoon or weekend with your children can be experienced in the middle of the green hills of western Slovakia behind the village of Modrová. Here you can find...
Equestrial Center of St. Francis foto
5.1 km
Equestrial Center of St. Francis
Horses, riding
Riding without contact with civilization, immediate contact with horse, changing scenery of nature and clean air. This will allow you to relax from everyday worries and e...
Horné Hámre
Protected area of Dropie foto
11.2 km
Protected area of Dropie
Zoology and botany
In the south of Slovakia, between the villages of Kameničná, Zemianska Olča and Čalovec, there is a unique area of Dropie. It is a so-called environment of the so-called ...
Zemianska Olča
Animal park "Zveropark" foto
11.7 km
Animal park "Zveropark"
Zoology and botany
Zveropark in Revištské Podzámčie is a place where nature is as beautiful as from a fairy tale, interesting animals, a roaring waterfall, a lake full of fish, a meadow per...
Žarnovica - Revištské Podzámčie
Protected area Levice ponds foto
11.8 km
Protected area Levice ponds
Zoology and botany
Levice ponds are certainly a popular place to relax and strolls for all inhabitants of the town. It is a relaxation zone and a protected area on the outskirts of the town...
Ranch on Silver Lake foto
12.3 km
Ranch on Silver Lake
Horses, riding
The Silver Lake Ranch is a true western town. It is an oasis of peace and a never-ending experience that lives its own life. The pace is determined by the animals that be...
Horse Riding in Petrov Grunt foto
18.9 km
Horse Riding in Petrov Grunt
Horses, riding
You can find the Petrov Grunt Riding School nestled in the beautiful natural surroundings of the village of Košúty, just a few kilometers from the town of Galanta. The e...