Swimming pool in Bánovce nad Bebravou foto
4.8 km
Swimming pool in Bánovce nad Bebravou
Lakes and pools
Excellent recreational swimming is offered by indoor swimming pool in Bánovce nad Bebravou. It is in operation throughout the year, so you can also enjoy this favourite s...
Bánovce nad Bebravou
Thermal pool Pažiť foto
5.9 km
Thermal pool Pažiť
Lakes and pools
Pažiť thermal swimming pool is located in the town of Bánovce nad Bebravou, just near the Prusy water reservoir. Sufficiently spacious swimming pool area offers three s...
Bánovce nad Bebravou
Duchonka Reservoir foto
8.4 km
Duchonka Reservoir
Lakes and pools
The most popular place of summer recreation, but also the cultural and festival mosque - these attributes are proudly borne by the water reservoir of Duchonka. It is loca...
Chynorany Grove foto
10.4 km
Chynorany Grove

Chynorany - the birthplace of the Slovak writer Valentín Beniak, but also the village, where the remainder of the originally contiguous floodplain forests of western Slov...

Western Club foto
11.3 km
Western Club
Horses, riding
A small family business whose priority is to provide people with fun and contact with horses. They follow the phrase - quality over quantity, which is why you do not find...
Birthhouse of Ľ. Štúr and A. Dubček in Uhrovec foto
11.4 km
Birthhouse of Ľ. Štúr and A. Dubček in Uhrovec
Museums and history
Uhrovec - a picturesque village lying under the majestic Rokoš Hill is exceptional not only for its unique and intact nature, but also for its rich history. The village o...
Topoľčany Castle foto
11.8 km
Topoľčany Castle
Castle ruins
Immediately above the village of Podhradie, the romantic ruins of Topoľčany Castle rise to the heights. It was built at the end of the 13th century as a royal castle. The...
Jankov Vŕšok - 533 m asl foto
13.3 km
Jankov Vŕšok - 533 m asl
Above the village of Uhrovec, there is a low hill called Jankov vŕšok (John's Hill). It is a part of the Strážovské Hills, as it is characteristic for this mountain range...
Lookout tower on Panská Javorina foto
13.4 km
Lookout tower on Panská Javorina
Panská Javorina is the second highest peak on the mountain ridge of Považský Inovec. It is an excellent place if you want to relax for a while and enjoy the nature and u...
Observatory in Partizánske foto
13.5 km
Observatory in Partizánske
Other attractions
In 1988, a public observatory was opened for the public in Partizánske - Malé Bielice, the main focus of which is the popularization of astronomy, astronautics and relate...
Nature trail of Bielické bahná foto
13.8 km
Nature trail of Bielické bahná
Other attractions
Bielické bahná is a natural area extending in the town of Partizánske, or more precisely in its part of Velké Bielice. The whole area has the character of a wetland bioto...
Lookout tower Inovec - 1042 m asl foto
13.8 km
Lookout tower Inovec - 1042 m asl
On the hill Inovec, at an impressive height of 1042 meters, there is the steel beauty - the Inovec lookout tower. This highest peak of Považský Inovec offers to all its v...
Thermal Spa Malé Bielice foto
13.9 km
Thermal Spa Malé Bielice
Lakes and pools
The thermall spa is located in the town of Partizánske, in the part called Malé Bielice. The spa complex is made up of outdoor and indoor pools that provide ideal conditi...
Slavonic Museum of A.S. Pushkin foto
15.2 km
Slavonic Museum of A.S. Pushkin
Museums and history
The beautiful Renaissance manor house in Brodzany dating back to the 17th century has been the seat of the Slavonic Museum of A. S. Pushkin since 1979. The manor house is...
Summer house Babylon foto
15.4 km
Summer house Babylon
Castle ruins
On the hill of Hôrka above the village of Brodzany, there is a summer house Babylon, where time seems to have stopped. The summer house was built in 1911 by Duchess Natal...
Uhrovec Castle foto
15.5 km
Uhrovec Castle
Castle ruins
The Uhrovec Castle is a ruin above the village of Uhrovské Podhradie. It was built in the 13th century in the inaccessible terrain of the Nitrica Hills. During the centur...
Uhrovské Podhradie
Hradná Cave foto
15.6 km
Hradná Cave
Directly below the romantic ruins of Uhrovec Castle in Strážovské Hills, there is a mysterious portal leading to the so-called Hradná Cave (Castle Cave). The cave was cre...
Uhrovské Podhradie
Summer swimming pool in Topoľčany foto
15.9 km
Summer swimming pool in Topoľčany
Lakes and pools
The Topoľčany City Swimming Pool is situated on the Sídlsiko Východ (East Housing Estate), surrounded by beautiful park planting. The swimming pool offers relaxation in ...
Animal park at ranch below Babica foto
16.0 km
Animal park at ranch below Babica
Other attractions
Ranch below Babica in the village of Bojná at the foot of Považský Inovec Mountains lies just 10 km from Topolcany. This place is a kind of hotspot. Every visitor, regard...
Swimming Pool Dúha foto
16.0 km
Swimming Pool Dúha
Lakes and pools
The Swimming Pool Dúha (The Rainbow) is located in the town of Partizánske and is surrounded by forest scenery that separates it from the city rush. It has been available...
Indoor swimming pool in Topoľčany foto
16.1 km
Indoor swimming pool in Topoľčany
Lakes and pools
Great swimming possibilities and relaxation all year round is offered by indoor swimming pool in Topoľčany. The swimming pool has a great location and is a popular place ...
Tribeč Museum in Topoľčany foto
16.3 km
Tribeč Museum in Topoľčany
Museums and history
The Museum in Topoľčany was founded in 1961. The first permanent exhibition of the museum was opened in 1964 and its content was anthropology. Throughout its history, the...
Archery complex Bojná foto
16.4 km
Archery complex Bojná
Adrenaline activities
Archery complex of the sports club Archery for joy. Call and book a course in archery with an instructor. 3D archery is an archery discipline that is an imitation of ani...
Bezovec - 743 m asl foto
16.5 km
Bezovec - 743 m asl
If you like undemanding hiking tours through the woods, where you can enjoy not only charming views of natural beauty, but also incredible views, a trip to the Bezovec Hi...
Nová Lehota
Mansion in Šimonovany foto
16.5 km
Mansion in Šimonovany
Castles, chateaus, mansions
One of the cultural sights of Partizánske is undoubtedly the Water Castle in Šimonovany, also known as a manor house or mansion. The manor house in Šimonovany is one of t...
Archaeological Museum of Great Moravia foto
17.5 km
Archaeological Museum of Great Moravia
Museums and history
The village of Bojná is known for being an important princely center of the old Slavs in the past. The former economic and political center of the Pribinian Principality ...
Bezovec Ski Resort foto
17.5 km
Bezovec Ski Resort
The Bezovec ski resort is located in the beautiful surroundings of the Považský Inovec mountain, approximately 20 km from the town of Piešťany. The resort offers visitors...
Slavic hillfort of Valy foto
17.7 km
Slavic hillfort of Valy
Museums and history

Near the town of Piešťany, there is the largest Slavic archaeological site in Slovakia - Valy in Bojná. This specific and extremely interesting location is kind of Slovak...

Ranch Y foto
18.3 km
Ranch Y
Horses, riding
Ranch Y in the village of Solčany is a place where you will experience dynamism, grandeur, power, freedom, peace, grace and fun. It will enchant you with its rich offer o...
Rokos - 1010 m asl foto
19.1 km
Rokos - 1010 m asl
The relatively little-known Rokoš Hill is located in the southern part of Strážovské Hills. Although tourists rarelly come here, the Rokoš Hill is a beautiful and unique ...
Uhrovské Podhradie