Ranch Y foto
3.3 km
Ranch Y
Horses, riding
Ranch Y in the village of Solčany is a place where you will experience dynamism, grandeur, power, freedom, peace, grace and fun. It will enchant you with its rich offer o...
Summer swimming pool in Topoľčany foto
5.1 km
Summer swimming pool in Topoľčany
Lakes and pools
The Topoľčany City Swimming Pool is situated on the Sídlsiko Východ (East Housing Estate), surrounded by beautiful park planting. The swimming pool offers relaxation in ...
Tribeč Museum in Topoľčany foto
5.9 km
Tribeč Museum in Topoľčany
Museums and history
The Museum in Topoľčany was founded in 1961. The first permanent exhibition of the museum was opened in 1964 and its content was anthropology. Throughout its history, the...
Indoor swimming pool in Topoľčany foto
6.4 km
Indoor swimming pool in Topoľčany
Lakes and pools
Great swimming possibilities and relaxation all year round is offered by indoor swimming pool in Topoľčany. The swimming pool has a great location and is a popular place ...
Farm Veľký Clíž foto
7.9 km
Farm Veľký Clíž
Horses, riding
Farm Veľký Clíž is a small family farm dedicated to horse breeding. For visitors, it offers riding lessons for young and old or the possibility of riding a horse. The fa...
Veľký Klíž
Greater Tribeč - 830 m asl foto
8.2 km
Greater Tribeč - 830 m asl
The Tribeč mountain range is situated in the Fatra-Tatras region between the towns of Nitra, Partizánske and Zlaté Moravce. Its highest peak is Greater Tribeč towering at...
Kostoľany pod Tríbečom
Black Castle (Čierny hrad) foto
8.2 km
Black Castle (Čierny hrad)
Castle ruins
Not far from the village of Zlatno, on the wooded outcrop of the mountain of Tríbeč, there used to stand the Black Castle (orig. "Čierny hrad"), which protected mainly th...
Chynorany Grove foto
8.9 km
Chynorany Grove

Chynorany - the birthplace of the Slovak writer Valentín Beniak, but also the village, where the remainder of the originally contiguous floodplain forests of western Slov...

Summer house Babylon foto
9.6 km
Summer house Babylon
Castle ruins
On the hill of Hôrka above the village of Brodzany, there is a summer house Babylon, where time seems to have stopped. The summer house was built in 1911 by Duchess Natal...
Slavonic Museum of A.S. Pushkin foto
9.9 km
Slavonic Museum of A.S. Pushkin
Museums and history
The beautiful Renaissance manor house in Brodzany dating back to the 17th century has been the seat of the Slavonic Museum of A. S. Pushkin since 1979. The manor house is...
Western Club foto
9.9 km
Western Club
Horses, riding
A small family business whose priority is to provide people with fun and contact with horses. They follow the phrase - quality over quantity, which is why you do not find...
Bison Game Preserve foto
10.9 km
Bison Game Preserve
Zoology and botany
The oak forests near Topolčianki are the only place in Slovakia where you can admire the majestic European bison in direct contact with nature. Theseproud animals are the...
Thermal Spa Malé Bielice foto
11.0 km
Thermal Spa Malé Bielice
Lakes and pools
The thermall spa is located in the town of Partizánske, in the part called Malé Bielice. The spa complex is made up of outdoor and indoor pools that provide ideal conditi...
Apponyi's Hunting Museum foto
11.2 km
Apponyi's Hunting Museum
Museums and history
A rare historical building in the picturesque village of Oponice is a Renaissance mansion dating from the 16th-17th century. The locals also call it Small Chateau. It use...
Aponnyi Historical Library foto
11.6 km
Aponnyi Historical Library
Museums and history
The Aponnyi Library of Oponice is a divine paradise for all bookworms as well as history lovers. The library is the most beautiful interior library in Slovakia, which ho...
Luxury dinner and wellness in Château Appony **** foto
11.6 km
Luxury dinner and wellness in Château Appony ****
Other attractions
Relax in the fabulous atmosphere that has made Château Appony **** famous. In the lap of the beautiful nature of the centuries-old trees, the jewel of architecture, built...
Stay at Château Appony **** with wellness and half board foto
11.6 km
Stay at Château Appony **** with wellness and half board
Other attractions
Holiday in the mansion? When you stay at the Château Appony **** such dreams come true. Everything is ready for your arrival. Beautiful surroundings, tasty half board, wh...
Observatory in Partizánske foto
11.7 km
Observatory in Partizánske
Other attractions
In 1988, a public observatory was opened for the public in Partizánske - Malé Bielice, the main focus of which is the popularization of astronomy, astronautics and relate...
Nature trail of Bielické bahná foto
11.8 km
Nature trail of Bielické bahná
Other attractions
Bielické bahná is a natural area extending in the town of Partizánske, or more precisely in its part of Velké Bielice. The whole area has the character of a wetland bioto...
Ruins of the church on Vrchhora foto
11.8 km
Ruins of the church on Vrchhora
Castle ruins
The mysterious Tribeč Mountains offer unique places with a rich history. Such a place is Vrchhora, where the remains of a Renaissance church and a Baroque chapel are hidd...
Veľký Klíž
Swimming Pool Dúha foto
12.3 km
Swimming Pool Dúha
Lakes and pools
The Swimming Pool Dúha (The Rainbow) is located in the town of Partizánske and is surrounded by forest scenery that separates it from the city rush. It has been available...
Oponice Castle foto
12.7 km
Oponice Castle
Castle ruins
The Oponice Castle - more accurate ruins of the castle - is located on the western tip of the mountain of Tribeč above the village of Oponice. The first written mention o...
Veľký Lysec - 547 m asl foto
13.9 km
Veľký Lysec - 547 m asl
Part of the Tribeč mountain range is also a small hill of Veľký Lysec. Though, it is no kind of mohicane, it can boast of majestic rock crutches on the west side that wil...
Kostoľany pod Tríbečom
Mansion in Šimonovany foto
14.2 km
Mansion in Šimonovany
Castles, chateaus, mansions
One of the cultural sights of Partizánske is undoubtedly the Water Castle in Šimonovany, also known as a manor house or mansion. The manor house in Šimonovany is one of t...
Hrušov Castle foto
14.7 km
Hrušov Castle
Castle ruins
North of the famous wine-growing village of Topoľčianky, the ruins of the Hrušov castle have been standing for centuries. Its remnants of massive walls and towers rise up...
Gýmeš Castle foto
14.8 km
Gýmeš Castle
Castle ruins
The ruins of Gýmeš Castle are situated on the steep Dúň hill, about 5 km from the village of Jelenec. In the past, it was the center of the surrounding Gýmeš County (Hung...
Archaeological Museum of Great Moravia foto
14.9 km
Archaeological Museum of Great Moravia
Museums and history
The village of Bojná is known for being an important princely center of the old Slavs in the past. The former economic and political center of the Pribinian Principality ...
Studený hrad (Cold Castle) foto
15.4 km
Studený hrad (Cold Castle)
The Studený hrad (Cold Castle) is a place where an old wooden hillfort stood sometimes around the 11th century. There is no way to find it there today, because it has cea...
Archery complex Bojná foto
15.4 km
Archery complex Bojná
Adrenaline activities
Archery complex of the sports club Archery for joy. Call and book a course in archery with an instructor. 3D archery is an archery discipline that is an imitation of ani...
Private pond Žikava foto
15.5 km
Private pond Žikava
Other attractions
We offer rest and relaxation by the water and the opportunity to catch fish in a nice environment near the village of Krásny Majer. Individuals and whole families have th...