Things to do and tourist attractions in Kúty and surroundings

Only these types of attractions are shown: technical monuments and museums and history. reset filter
The birthhouse of Ján Hollý foto
14.0 km
The birthhouse of Ján Hollý
Museums and history
Borský Mikuláš is the birthplace of the poet Ján Hollý. In the middle of the village, you can find his native house from the second half of the 18th century. In 1957, it ...
Borský Mikuláš
Windmill foto
19.3 km
Technical monuments
Windmill at Holič is the only preserved Dutch type windmill in Slovakia. It is made of stone with a circular ground plan and has three floors. It was built in the late 19...
Holíč Megaliths foto
19.7 km
Holíč Megaliths
Museums and history
Holíč Megaliths (also known as Menhirs) are carved stones stored in a lapidary in the courtyard of one of the former manufactory buildings. They come from a prehistoric r...
Palffy mansion foto
24.4 km
Palffy mansion
Museums and history
A beautiful manor house in Malacky used to be the seat of the Pallfy family. The building was built on the initiative of Count Paul IV. Palffy in the first half of the 17...
Michal Tillner Museum foto
24.4 km
Michal Tillner Museum
Museums and history
The Michal Tillner Museum is a city museum based on the initiative of academic painter Michal Tillner in 1975. The museum was housed in a renovated water mill in Malacky,...
Michal Tillner Museum foto
24.4 km
Michal Tillner Museum
Museums and history
If you want to get to know the folk culture and traditions of South Záhorie, the Michal Tillner Museum is the right place for you. It is located in Malacky in the buildin...
Crypts under the Franciscan Church foto
24.8 km
Crypts under the Franciscan Church
Museums and history
The underground beneath the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Malacky conceals ancient crypts. This underground was built about 350 years ago by the Franciscans for ...
The Pilárik Brothers Mill foto
25.7 km
The Pilárik Brothers Mill
Technical monuments
It is known about the town of Skalica that in the past, there were many mills that grinded flour for bread or the famous Trdelník cake. One of them was the originally wat...
Museum of Záhorie foto
25.9 km
Museum of Záhorie
Museums and history
The birth of museum activities in the sense of organizing collecting activities in 1881 - 1898 prompted the establishment of the Záhorie Museum in Skalica. It is a region...
Rotunda of St. George foto
26.0 km
Rotunda of St. George
Museums and history
Rotunda of St. George is originally a Romanesque building from the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries (although a new study says it comes from the first half of the 11th...
Sokolovňa - Museum Senica foto
26.2 km
Sokolovňa - Museum Senica
Museums and history
The town of Senica has been located at the crossroads of trade routes since prehistoric times. From the north to the south, the "Amber Road" ran along the Morava River, a...
Memorial room of J.M.Hurban foto
28.8 km
Memorial room of J.M.Hurban
Museums and history
Jozef Miloslav Hurban was the first chairman of the Slovak National Council, a Slovak writer, journalist, politician and organizer of the cultural life of the Slovak nati...
Molpír Hill foto
34.0 km
Molpír Hill
Museums and history
Above the village of Smolenice, in the dense forests of the Little Carpathians, there used to be a prehistoric and a Slavic hillfort. Choosing this place for a trip bring...
Molpir Museum foto
34.7 km
Molpir Museum
Museums and history
The village of Smolenice, situated under the south-eastern foothills of the Little Carpathians, offers domestic people and tourists not only recreational but also rich cu...
The Room of Vrbovce foto
36.7 km
The Room of Vrbovce
Museums and history
The village of Vrbovce situated on the Slovak-Moravian border in the scattered settlement offers not only natural beauty, but also beautiful original architecture - simpl...
Commemorative room of D. S. Jurkovič foto
38.4 km
Commemorative room of D. S. Jurkovič
Museums and history
Before you go to the Barrow of M. R. Štefánik on Bradlo Hill, stop in the center of Brezová pod Bradlom. Directly on the square you will find the Štefánik's National Hous...
Brezová pod Bradlom
Farm House foto
39.4 km
Farm House
Museums and history
Even in today's modern and technically advanced time, you may find yourself in a time when mowing was done manually, when fields were cultivated by pulling power of cattl...
Forest railway Katarínka foto
40.0 km
Forest railway Katarínka
Museums and history
In the past, Slovakia could boast of a rich network of shorter, but also longer, forest, field, mining or industrial railways, which were used in freight transport at the...
Juraj Fándly Memorial House foto
40.2 km
Juraj Fándly Memorial House
Museums and history
The Trnava village of Naháč is known for the work of the enlightened writer and pastor Juraj Fándly, who lived here for a part of his life. Juraj Fándly lived and worked ...
ZOYA Gallery&Museum foto
40.5 km
ZOYA Gallery&Museum
Museums and history
ZOYA Gallery&Museum presents the art of Slovak visual modernism as well as contemporary Slovak and world authors. These are basically two institutions - the ZOYA Gallery ...
Museum of Slovak National Councils in Myjava foto
41.7 km
Museum of Slovak National Councils in Myjava
Museums and history
The Museum of Slovak National Councils in Myjava is a specialized organizational unit of the Slovak National Museum in Bratislava. It opened its gates for the first time ...
Ľudovít Štúr Museum in Modra foto
41.8 km
Ľudovít Štúr Museum in Modra
Museums and history
The Ľudovít Štúr Museum in Modra is part of the Slovak National Museum. It has its seat in the very center of the town, in the so-called Emreszovský House. It was right i...
Museum of the Slovak Ceramic Sculpture foto
41.8 km
Museum of the Slovak Ceramic Sculpture
Museums and history
The Museum of the Slovak Ceramic Sculpture is located in close proximity to the walls from the 17th century town fortifications and the courtyard is connected to the nort...
M. R. Štefánik Museum foto
42.5 km
M. R. Štefánik Museum
Museums and history
In 1968, Milan Rastislav Štefánik began to become known again after the political changes in Czechoslovakia. Visitors started to visit Bradlo - the last resting place of ...
M. R. Štefánik Museum foto
42.5 km
M. R. Štefánik Museum
Museums and history
The Museum of M. R. Štefánik is an integral part of the Slovak National Museum - Museum of the Slovak National Councils. It opened its doors for the general public in 199...
Schaubmar Mill foto
42.7 km
Schaubmar Mill
Museums and history
In the town of Pezinok, there is a historic rural settlement, dominated by the construction of a Baroque water mill. It is the largest creek mill in Europe. In 1767, it w...
Pezinok Castle foto
44.8 km
Pezinok Castle
Museums and history
Pezinok Castle is a historical and architectural jewel of the wine-growing town of Pezinok. Interestingly, Pezinok Castle is often referred to as the "Water Castle" becau...
Small Carpathian museum foto
45.3 km
Small Carpathian museum
Museums and history
The Small Carpathian museum in Pezinok is focused on the wine-growing and wine-growing tradition of the Small Carpathian region. More than half a century it is collecting...
Old Town Hall - Town Museum foto
45.3 km
Old Town Hall - Town Museum
Museums and history
In the historical heart of Pezinok, there is a Renaissance town hall building. It was built in the middle of the 17th century on the site of the town spa and Weltz House....
Literary and Homeland Museum foto
47.2 km
Literary and Homeland Museum
Museums and history
If you want to get to know the history of the town of Svätý Jur as well as its specifics, which have shaped it for several thousand years, head to the Literary and Homela...
Svätý Jur