In 1984 in the town of Stropkov, on the initiative of children and parents, the construction of the Station of Young Naturalists at the House of Pioneers and Youth began...
In the middle of the vast fields between the villages of Rozhanovce, Čižatice and Chrastné stands a tourist lookout tower of remarkable architecture that reminds of a med...
Rather low hill of Malkovská hôrka, located in the forest park Cemjata near Prešov, offers the opportunity to spend your free time pleasantly and actively. Especially the...
Location of Senianske ponds is an ideal trip in nature created for families with children. Senianske ponds are located to the east of Michalovce, under the Vihorlat massi...
Hradová Lookout Tower is located on the top of the hill with the same name and offers a beautiful view of the city of Košice, Košice Basin, Hornád Valley and the surround...
The Košice Zoological Garden is the largest zoological garden in Slovakia with an area of 288 hectares. It is located in the natural environment of Čierna hora (Black Hil...