Things to do and tourist attractions in Rožňava and surroundings

Only these types of attractions are shown: castle ruins and waterfalls. reset filter
14.8 km
Hussite church in Lúčka
Castle ruins
The church was built on a hill in the 13th century. Later it was fortified with stone wall and watchtower during the operation of John Jiskra of Brandýs. The church was t...
17.4 km
Hrhovský Waterfall

The village of Hrhov can boast of a unique gem of Slovak nature. In the heart of this village, the water of the Hrhovský waterfall rushes. It is the largest and most powe...

23.8 km
Hájske Waterfalls
Beautiful Hájske Waterfalls, also called Hlboký jarok (Deep Gutter), are located in the karst gorge Hájska Valley. The Hájska Valley is entered through the village of Háj...
25.6 km
Nálepka's Waterfalls
One of the most beautiful and less demanding ravines in the Slovak Paradise, Zejmarská Ravine, is made special with the gurgling of beautiful waterfalls - Nálepka's Water...
Mlynky - Biele Vody
26.2 km
Turniansky Castle
Castle ruins
The ruins of the Turniansky Castle are located on the karst hill above the village of Turňa nad Bodvou. The documents state the year 1357 as the year of building the cast...
Turňa nad Bodvou
28.8 km
Ruins of Rákoš Castle
Castle ruins
Once you decide to explore the forests around the village of Rákoš, you will undoubtedly find the ruins of the castle with the same name. Rákoš Castle used to be a magnif...
31.0 km
Zavojovy waterfall (Veil waterfall)
The Slovak Paradise could be also called a golden mine of waterfalls. In almost every gorge or ravine, you will find larger or smaller waterfalls and cascades. Even in So...
31.1 km
Rocky Waterfall
The smallest waterfall of the Sokolia Valley (Falcon Valley) in the Slovak Paradise is called the Rocky Waterfall. It reaches a height of only 3.5 meters, but it is enoug...
32.1 km
Moss Waterfall
If you take for a short tour in Malý Kyseľ Ravine, which is, however, rich in nature uniques, you should definitely not miss the Moss Waterfall. It is one of three succes...
32.4 km
Castle ruins
Kláštorisko is a tourist resort in the Slovak Paradise. There are ruins of a Carthusian monastery from the 13th century. The strategic position of this space was noticed...
32.7 km
Rainbow waterfall
The Rainbow Waterfall is located in the shortest ravine of the Slovak Paradise, specifically in Kláštorská ravine. It is one of seven waterfalls that diversify the nature...
32.8 km
Carthusian Waterfall
The Kláštorská ravine is one of the most visited in the Slovak Paradise, thanks also to the charming nature and the beautiful Carthusian waterfall, which is located at th...
33.0 km
Ruins of Jasov Castle
Castle ruins
In the beautiful surroundings of the Slovak Karst National Park, near the village of Jasov, right on a distinctive reef called Jasov Rock, there are ruins of Jasov Castle...
33.3 km
Bočný vodopád (Side waterfall)
The magic kingdom of waterfalls in the ravine of Suchá Bela is finisked by the Bočný vodopád (Side Waterfall). A green marked hiking trail starting directly at the touris...
33.6 km
Korytový vodopád (Trough Waterfall)
Suchá Belá Ravine in the Slovak Paradise hides one of the highest waterfalls of this locality. The riverbed waterfall is located above Okienkový Waterfall and under the S...
33.8 km
Misové Waterfalls
The Misové Waterfalls are the most romantic element in the Suchá Belá ravine in the Slovak Paradise. Therefore, not only romantic souls, but also lovers of good tourism s...
33.9 km
Piecky Gulley
Slovak Paradise is a truly exceptional location that will enchant you with its varied landscape diversity. It is characterized mainly by deep and narrow rock valleys of l...
Hrabušice - Podlesok
34.0 km
Okienkový vodopád (Window waterfall)
Okienkový vodopád (Window waterfall) is one of several waterfalls in the Suchá Belá Ravine belonging to the Slovak Paradise National Park. This enchanting cascading wate...
36.1 km
Muráň Castle
Castle ruins
The third highest located castle in Slovakia is situated on the Cigánka Boulder on the outskirts of the untouched nature of the Muránska Plain. What is today a castle ru...
36.3 km
Zámčisko Gelnica
Castle ruins
Above the old mining town of Gelnica, which is mentioned as a free royal town already in 1276, on the site of an old castle from the 13th century, we can now see only the...
41.5 km
Spiš Castle
Castle ruins
Spiš Castle is one of the largest castle complexes in Europe and is also our largest castle ruin. In 1993, it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is curren...
Žehra - Hodkovce
41.9 km
Waterfall below Orlová
On the stream of the Kopanica stream, in the village of Pohorelá, nature created a beautiful waterfall called "Waterfall below Orlová". Its water veil falls from a height...