The breathtaking Levoča Hills conceal the Slovak National Uprising Monument in their depths, which stands here in honour of the fallen heroes of the Slovak National Upris...
One of the historical attractions that is worth seeing is renovated Chapel of Sans Souci. It is located in the village of Iliašovce, in the nearby forest. In 1773, Count ...
The Dreveník National Nature Reserve together with the Rocky town is one of the unique jewels of the Slovak nature. It is the largest travertine mound in Slovakia. The Dr...
The left bank of the Hornád River is surrounded by massive and steep rock walls, which create a unique landscape scenery. The Markušovce Walls represent an ideal and unde...
The north-west part of the Branisko mountain range is filled with Smrekovica, which is the highest peak of this mountain range. It rises above the villages of Vyšný Slavk...
The western part of the Branisko mountain range is filled with the Rajtopíky Hill, which is part of the nature reserve with the same name. It is quite an unidentified pla...
Slovak Paradise National Park is a real paradise on earth. It offers not only many hiking trails, beautiful nature, secret corners, good tourist resorts, but also extraor...
The village of Poráč is surrounded by the hills of the Vysoký Mountain. On its northern slope, there is an interesting natural gem - the Šarkanova diera Cave. It was crea...
The Galmus Mountains are beautiful but relatively little known among tourists, and therefore little visited. This mountain range hides several interesting places and amaz...
Sľubica is the third highest peak of Branisko. It is very popular among tourists especially in the winter season and therefore it is not surprising that there is an “Wint...
Charming Kláštorná Ravine in the Slovak Paradise National Park was created by a stream flowing below the tourist centre of Kláštorisko and leading directly to the Hornád ...
One of the sites, thanks to which the Slovak Paradise National Park is one of the most beautiful natural areas of Slovakia, is Breakthrough of Hornád River.
The Hornád B...
The Kláštorská ravine is one of the most visited in the Slovak Paradise, thanks also to the charming nature and the beautiful Carthusian waterfall, which is located at th...
The Rainbow Waterfall is located in the shortest ravine of the Slovak Paradise, specifically in Kláštorská ravine. It is one of seven waterfalls that diversify the nature...
If you want to experience the true wilderness in the heart of one of the most beautiful gorges of the Slovak Paradise, we recommend visiting the ferrata HZS (Mountain Res...
Do you know where you can find one of the wildest Slovak valleys? You can find it in the Slovak Paradise, specifically on the eastern edges of the Glac Plain. This is the...
The picturesque mountain range of Bachureň, situated in north-eastern Slovakia in the districts of Sabinov and Prešov, offers pleasant and undemanding hiking in the bosom...
In the Branisko mountain range in eastern Slovakia there is a locality that will remind you of Slovak Paradise in many ways. The locality is the Lačnov Canyon, which lies...
If you are looking for pleasant tourism that would make your weekend more enjoyable, visit Tomášovská Belá. It is a very impressive gulley in the Kyseľ National Nature Re...
Probably the most visited and most typical gorge of the Slovak Paradise is Kyseľ. The upper part is divided into Vyšný, Malý and Veľký Kyseľ. The Kyseľ Gorge together wi...
If you take for a short tour in Malý Kyseľ Ravine, which is, however, rich in nature uniques, you should definitely not miss the Moss Waterfall. It is one of three succes...
The smallest waterfall of the Sokolia Valley (Falcon Valley) in the Slovak Paradise is called the Rocky Waterfall. It reaches a height of only 3.5 meters, but it is enoug...
The Slovak Paradise could be also called a golden mine of waterfalls. In almost every gorge or ravine, you will find larger or smaller waterfalls and cascades. Even in So...
Above the scattered village of Lačov, there is a Buče Hill attractive among tourists, which is part of the Bachureň mountain range. It is certainly known to all lovers of...
The small village of Hnilčík, nestled in the arms of the beautiful Hnilecká Valley, once belonged to one of many villages in Slovakia, that dealt with mining in the South...
In Volovske Hills, there is a popular hiking place called Biela skala (White Rock). The sought-after hill is characterized by its limestone boulder walls falling into the...
The magic kingdom of waterfalls in the ravine of Suchá Bela is finisked by the Bočný vodopád (Side Waterfall). A green marked hiking trail starting directly at the touris...
Suchá Belá Gulley is one of the jewels of the Slovak Paradise National Park. The gulley is 4 km long and the water in it through cascades and waterfalls overcomes the alt...
Suchá Belá Ravine in the Slovak Paradise hides one of the highest waterfalls of this locality. The riverbed waterfall is located above Okienkový Waterfall and under the S...
The passage through each ravine is challenging and requires sufficient tourism capability. If you would like to try such a more demanding ravine with more beautiful trans...