Things to do and tourist attractions in Uloža and surroundings

Only these types of attractions are shown: technical monuments and caves. reset filter
Šarkanova diera Cave foto
17.7 km
Šarkanova diera Cave
The village of Poráč is surrounded by the hills of the Vysoký Mountain. On its northern slope, there is an interesting natural gem - the Šarkanova diera Cave. It was crea...
Mining Open-Air Museum foto
21.5 km
Mining Open-Air Museum
Technical monuments
The small village of Hnilčík, nestled in the arms of the beautiful Hnilecká Valley, once belonged to one of many villages in Slovakia, that dealt with mining in the South...
Zlá Diera Cave foto
21.8 km
Zlá Diera Cave
Zlá diera Cave offers a mysterious tour of the underground near the village of Lipovce. It is the only known and only accessible cave in the Prešov district. The cave als...
Medieval military camp foto
30.8 km
Medieval military camp
Technical monuments
Medieval military camp in Stara Ľubovňa is a natural museum that provides a detailed view of the life of soldiers in the Middle Ages, as well as the conditions in which t...
Stará Ľubovňa
Dobšinská Ice Cave foto
31.6 km
Dobšinská Ice Cave
Dobšinská Ice Cave is one of the most important ice caves in the world. It is included in the world's natural heritage. In the cave, you can see ice stalactites, stalagmi...
Belianska Cave foto
31.6 km
Belianska Cave
Belianska Cave can boast of a few superlatives. Not only is it the most visited cave and** one of the first caves in Europe, where electric lighting has been introduced*,...
Tatranská Kotlina
Green Cave foto
32.0 km
Green Cave
In the vicinity of the village Dobšiná, there is a publicly accessible Green Cave (orig. Zelená jaskyňa). It is quite unknown among tourists, because it is overshadowed b...
Chmaroš Viaduct foto
38.5 km
Chmaroš Viaduct
Technical monuments
The characteristic feature of the village of Telgárt is not only a charming alpine nature, but also a unique object called the Chmaroš Viaduct. It is a stone railway brid...
Cog railway foto
42.6 km
Cog railway
Technical monuments
Our Slovak mountains - High Tatras - are visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. The main attractions are excellent hiking opportunities, skiing, as well...
Salt Cave foto
44.0 km
Salt Cave
An artificially created salt cave whose walls, ceiling and floor are lined with salt blocks, salt stalactits and crystals. A salt used comes from Himalayan deposits and P...
Slavošovský and Koprášsky Tunnel foto
47.0 km
Slavošovský and Koprášsky Tunnel
Technical monuments
The construction of an alternative line to Slavošovce was started in 1941. The reason was the affiliation of the southern Slovak territories to Hungary after the Vienna A...
Jasov Cave foto
47.4 km
Jasov Cave
Do you know which cave was the first to be made available to public in Slovakia? This primacy belongs to Jasov Cave. It is said that one of the Premonstratensian monks in...
Krásnohorská Cave UNESCO foto
47.5 km
Krásnohorská Cave UNESCO
A unique natural creation located below the surface of the Slovak Karst is Krásnohorská Cave near the village of Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka. This charming cave is included in...
Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka
Ochtinská Aragonite Cave foto
48.8 km
Ochtinská Aragonite Cave
Not only Slovak, but also worldwide cave unique, Ochtinská Aragonite Cave, is located in Revúcka Highlands, between towns of Jelšava and Štítnik. The beautiful cave was ...
Važec Cave foto
49.2 km
Važec Cave
The Važec Cave is 530 meters long and is located in the Važec Karst, on the western edge of the village of Važec. In its underground spaces, there are mainly stalactites...