The breathtaking Levoča Hills conceal the Slovak National Uprising Monument in their depths, which stands here in honour of the fallen heroes of the Slovak National Upris...
An attractive location for hiking, located near the center of Prešov, is the Furča hill spread over the village of Haniska. It was here that one of the biggest battles of...
The Rainbow Waterfall is located in the shortest ravine of the Slovak Paradise, specifically in Kláštorská ravine. It is one of seven waterfalls that diversify the nature...
The Kláštorská ravine is one of the most visited in the Slovak Paradise, thanks also to the charming nature and the beautiful Carthusian waterfall, which is located at th...
If you take for a short tour in Malý Kyseľ Ravine, which is, however, rich in nature uniques, you should definitely not miss the Moss Waterfall. It is one of three succes...
The smallest waterfall of the Sokolia Valley (Falcon Valley) in the Slovak Paradise is called the Rocky Waterfall. It reaches a height of only 3.5 meters, but it is enoug...
One of the most important waterfalls that no visitor to the Tatras should miss is the Dlhý vodopád (Long waterfall). The long waterfall is one of the four waterfalls of t...
Okienkový vodopád (Window waterfall) is one of several waterfalls in the Suchá Belá Ravine belonging to the Slovak Paradise National Park.
This enchanting cascading wate...
Suchá Belá Ravine in the Slovak Paradise hides one of the highest waterfalls of this locality. The riverbed waterfall is located above Okienkový Waterfall and under the S...
The most beautiful waterfalls of the High Tatras are certainly the Waterfalls of the Cold Creek (orig. Studený potok), which are located on a short section of the creek f...
The Misové Waterfalls are the most romantic element in the Suchá Belá ravine in the Slovak Paradise. Therefore, not only romantic souls, but also lovers of good tourism s...
The Slovak Paradise could be also called a golden mine of waterfalls. In almost every gorge or ravine, you will find larger or smaller waterfalls and cascades. Even in So...
The magic kingdom of waterfalls in the ravine of Suchá Bela is finisked by the Bočný vodopád (Side Waterfall). A green marked hiking trail starting directly at the touris...
There is no need to travel far away to see waterfalls. Our national parks hide many of them in a mountain embrace. Larger, smaller, as well as entire waterfall systems ad...
Slovak Paradise is a truly exceptional location that will enchant you with its varied landscape diversity. It is characterized mainly by deep and narrow rock valleys of l...