The historic dominant and symbol of the eastern Slovak village of Budimír is the Classicist-Theresian mansion dating from the second third of the 18th century. The mansio...
The manor house in Stropkov, located in the town center, is a remnant of the former Stropkov castle, which had the shape of a pentagon. The Renaissance mansion was rebuil...
The Košice Castle is almost forgotten locality not only in awareness of Košice inhabitants. It almost does not appear in medieval written sources, and if appears, there a...
Uncover ancient secrets, follow the footsteps of kings and discover all the corners of the Ľubovňa Castle, which since 1311 rises above the town of Stará Ľubovňa.
Charming architectural landmarks of Markušovce are the manor house and the summer house named Dardanely. Both historic buildings are situated in a beautiful French park w...
The picturesque historical mosaic of the town of Podolínec is completed by its precious landmark - Piarist Monastery. The foundations of this early Baroque building were ...