The village of Sklabiná is the birthplace of the prominent Hungarian writer Kálmán Mikszáth, who, thanks to his well-known novels such as St. Peter's Umbrella, Last Castl...
Fiľakovo was a city where people expected to be bombed because there was military production of the highest category. In addition, Fiľakovo was an important railway junct...
The castle is located at the top of the rock almost in the center of Fiľakovo. The first written mention of the castle is from the 13th century, where it is stated that t...
The building of the city reduta in Fiľakovo was built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Since then, it has become a center of social and cultural events in the ...
In the very historical center of Lučenec, there is a monumental building of the former county court. Today, this beautiful historical building is the seat of the Museum a...
The Center of Culture and Fine Arts in Rimavská Sobota has been the Municipal Gallery since 1996 as an organizational unit of the Municipal Cultural Center. The gallery h...
The Gemer-Malohont Museum in Rimavská Sobota is the fifth oldest museum in Slovakia. The museum is housed in a historic building built in the Classicist style, which orig...
The name of Kostná Valley (The Bone Valley) is not random. It is an important locality of early Tertiary bones of tapirs, mastodons and rhinos. Kostná Valley is therefore...
The historical jewel of the city of Poltár is undoubtedly the local stone bridge, also called the Turkish Bridge. This material piece of history is said to have been left...
The Museum of Hont in Šahy was originally founded in 1902 as a county museum, on the initiative of the Hont-County Museum Society. This museum later ceased to exist. The ...
One of the most important archaeological sites of Kyjatice culture is located above the village of Kyjatice. The people of Kyjatice culture were characterized by the ritu...