  • S. Chalupku 12A, Prievidza

The indoor swimming pool is located in the sports zone of the town of Prievidza - in the Píly housing estate. It has a convenient location, as it is just a short walk from the winter stadium or beach swimming pool.

Municipal Swimming Pool is operated by Technical Services of Prievidza. The swimming pool is available to its visitors all year round and they can enjoy a 25 meter swimming pool with six lanes. Water depth ranges from 1.2 m to 1.8 m.

The pool water reaches a comfortable temperature, ideal for swimming. It is crystal clear, healthy and free of chlorination.

The swimming pool is, besides the public, also used by schools for children's swimming lessons, as well as for sports and swimming training of different organizations.

You may need some: accommodation Prievidza
Tourist map (GPS 48.7738, 18.59976)
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