Let yourself be carried away by the allurement of the last century, when the** luxurious Landauers and Landaulets, the elegant Mylords** for gentlemen and Victorias for ladies, ran about our roads. There are also discreet urban Coupé, hunting carriages and, of course, comfortable sleighs for snowy winters. Enter the past be abducted with imagination and fantasy. Only one rule applies at us: "a picture paints a thousand words". The entire exhibition is enriched with interesting accompanying texts.
The Museum of Noble Carriages and Sleighs is a unique and the most extensive collection of carriages and sledges in Slovakia. It is located in the village of Oravský Podzámok, directly below the Orava Castle. In our museum, you can observe 21 exclusive exhibits of carriages and sleighs.
The museum is open only during the summer season. Outside the summer, you can visit site after a phone order
You may need some: accommodation Oravský Podzámok