Ski Center Drozdovo near Nová Baňa belongs to rather smaller ski resorts offering a relaxed and undisturbed skiing right in the beautiful surroundings of Pohronský Inovec...
Near the town of Nová Baňa, nature created a beautiful Starohutský Waterfall. Although it cannot be compared with waterfalls in the Tatra Mountains or in the Slovak Parad...
Among the most beautiful waterfalls in Slovakia, we could also include Rudniansky Waterfall, which is the only one in Štiavnické Hill. It is hidden in the forests between...
Ski Resort SALAMANDRA is located near Banská Štiavnica and it is one of the few resorts with chair lift in the surroundings. The Doppelmayr seat operates a one and a half...
Ostrý Grúň Ski Resort is located on the northern slopes of the mountain range. Skiers are offered with 5 slopes of light and medium difficulty with a total length of 1.8 ...
Pokutský waterfall is located in the Protected Landscape Area of Ponitrie. Pokutsky waterfall or also Waterfall on Pokutsky creek is the only known and distinctive in the...