The time required is approx. 2 hours.

If you have ever been to the village of Vyhne, you might also be attracted by an interesting stone spur that rises above the village. It is* Jelenia skala (Deer Rock)*, which is also called Jeržištán. Along with the nearby Stone Sea, it is a natural landmark.

Despite the fact that Jelenia Skala does not reach a remarkable altitude meters, it offers truly charming views. From its top and under favourable conditions, it is possible to see the beautiful landscape from Tribeč to the Low Tatras. From the surrounding hills, you can see Vtáčnik, Kremnica Hill or Pohronský Inovec.

It is interesting to note that there are many old mining tunnels *and mysterious corners in the vicinity of Jelená skaly. *A yellow tourist trail leads to its top, which starts right in the village of Vyhne (approx. 3 km). Hike is not very difficult, but in the last sections you get sweaty in a steep climb. There is also a marked cycling trail, so there is nothing to stop you from taking a bike trip too.

You may need some: accommodation Vyhne
Tourist map (GPS 48.49093, 18.82508)
Google maps (Navigation)
Silvia Kollárová • Nov 2022
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