The time required is approx. 3 hours.

If your child likes trains, I have a tip for you on a train trip along one of the oldest railway lines in Slovakia. The start of the trip is at the 200-year-old railway station Trenčianska Teplá, the end station is Horné Srnie. The track also passes through the town of Nemšová and is 8 km long. The charm of this railway lies mainly in the fact that it is still an old type of operation management. There are also guides with targets and the entire track leads through beautiful nature. In Horny Srni you can go for pizza, ice cream or just take a walk around the village...

The price of this trip - two adults and a child cost us some ridiculous €1.20, but tickets must be purchased via the app Ideme Vlakom (there is also the time of departure/arrival of the train), the train does not carry bicycles, students, pensioners, children and disabled - free

You may need some: accommodation Trenčianska Teplá
Tourist map (GPS 48.93686, 18.11333)
Google maps (Navigation)
JanaDCA • Apr 2024
„Včera som bola s manželom a dcérou na výlete vláčikom v dedinke Horné Srnie. Počasie bolo perfektné, jazda vláčikom príjemná. Do dedinky sme prešli takým modrým mostom ponad rieku Vlára, ide o veľmi peknú dedinu, po oboch stranách cesty vydláždené chodníky, pekné upravené domčeky. Dali sme si zmrzlinu, dá sa tam ísť aj na pizzu a v jednej z reštaurácii pri rieke sme si dali aj syr a hranolky... Dedinka je plná cyklistov, vedie sem cyklotrasa od Trenčína, Dubnice a aj od Brumova (CZ). Vláčik ale bicykle nevozí, čo by mohol... Výlet to bol ale pekný, aj keď taký kratší <3“

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