Things to do and tourist attractions in Vrbová nad Váhom and surroundings

Only these types of attractions are shown: adrenaline activities and other attractions. reset filter
Laser Arena Komárno foto
11.3 km
Laser Arena Komárno
Adrenaline activities
Come to experience excitement and adrenaline fun in our Laser Arena. We will lend you equipment for the game - electronic vests and laser weapons and you can start the ga...
Europe Courtyard foto
11.6 km
Europe Courtyard
Other attractions
You do not have to travel abroad to get to know Europe. We also have a small piece of it in Slovakia. The European Square in Komárno is a European architectural unique, w...
Private pond Mederčina foto
26.9 km
Private pond Mederčina
Other attractions
The private pond Mederčina represents an excellent place for your favorite sports activities and also a place where you can spend your free time with your family or frien...
Šurany - Nitriansky Hrádok
Statue of Venus of Hrádok foto
27.0 km
Statue of Venus of Hrádok
Other attractions
The statue of Hrádok's Venus will probably be remembered by many of you, especially from a coin worth two Slovak crowns. Venus of Hrádok is actually the first found Neoli...
Private fishing lake Cerveny piesok foto
30.3 km
Private fishing lake Cerveny piesok
Other attractions
Private fishing lake - ballast pit Cerveny piesko can be found on the outskirts of town Šurany - direction to Uľany nad Žitavou near MsO SRZ Surany - fishing district TON...
Paris marshes foto
34.4 km
Paris marshes
Other attractions
If you want to see marshes of Paris, you don't have to go to France. This largest continuous cane swamp complex is in Slovakia is located near the village of Gbelce in th...
Gallery of contemporary Hungarian artists foto
36.6 km
Gallery of contemporary Hungarian artists
Other attractions
In the beautiful Art Nouveau Vermes Villa in Dunajská Streda, there is a seat of the Gallery of Contemporary Hungarian Artists, which is a bastion of Hungarian culture on...
Dunajská Streda
Tankošský cer foto
38.6 km
Tankošský cer
Other attractions
Tankošský cer is a huge, about 450-year-old turkey oak (Quercus cerris) located in the cadastre of Pozba. At first glance, this protected tree will enchant you with its m...
Go-kart center at Slovakia ring foto
42.4 km
Go-kart center at Slovakia ring
Adrenaline activities

The go-karting center offers adrenaline rides for children and adults on the newest and fastest go-karts in Slovakia. The most modern and largest professional outdoor CIK...

Orechová Potôň
Vajkovská Studnička foto
45.1 km
Vajkovská Studnička
Other attractions
A spring called Studnička rises in a gentle slope not far from the village of Lúčnica nad Žitavou. According to oral tradition, in 19th century, horses once swamped into ...
Lúčnica nad Žitavou
Energy Paintball foto
46.6 km
Energy Paintball
Adrenaline activities
Come to our Energy Paintball course, take your gun and kill boredom and stereotype! Get ready for a great deal of fun, adrenaline and quick action. Invent your own milita...
Sightseeing flight from Sladkovicovo airport foto
49.5 km
Sightseeing flight from Sladkovicovo airport
Adrenaline activities
Flight in the clouds is an unforgettable experience. Be enchanted by the bird's eye view of Sladkovicovo and it's surroundings. Fly in a small motorized four-seat Diamond...