Lookout Tower Tokaj foto
29.7 km
Lookout Tower Tokaj
The wine region of Tokaj attracts tourists not only with its beautiful vineyard orchards, wine cellars, but also with its unique lookout tower in a form of wooden barrel....
Malá Tŕňa
Lookout tower Čerešenka foto
39.5 km
Lookout tower Čerešenka
In the middle of the vast fields between the villages of Rozhanovce, Čižatice and Chrastné stands a tourist lookout tower of remarkable architecture that reminds of a med...
Hradová Lookout Tower foto
48.5 km
Hradová Lookout Tower
Hradová Lookout Tower is located on the top of the hill with the same name and offers a beautiful view of the city of Košice, Košice Basin, Hornád Valley and the surround...
Košice - Kavečany