Starohutský Waterfall foto
44.4 km
Starohutský Waterfall
Near the town of Nová Baňa, nature created a beautiful Starohutský Waterfall. Although it cannot be compared with waterfalls in the Tatra Mountains or in the Slovak Parad...
Nová Baňa
Hlbočiansky Waterfall foto
44.9 km
Hlbočiansky Waterfall
Not far from Smolenice, in the Hlbočianska Valley, natural elements created the Hlbočiansky waterfall. It is the only waterfall in the Little Carpathians that you can vis...
Pokutsky Waterfall foto
47.7 km
Pokutsky Waterfall

Pokutský waterfall is located in the Protected Landscape Area of Ponitrie. Pokutsky waterfall or also Waterfall on Pokutsky creek is the only known and distinctive in the...
