  • GPS: 48.80589, 22.00622

The Kaluža resort is located 10 km from the town of Michalovce and is one of the most famous resorts on the northern banks of the water reservoir of Zemplínska Šírava. It is ideal for adventurous summer holidays and recreation in caravans and tents.

A truly lucrative resort offers a rich water entertainment in the pool with water attractions. The water temperature reaches a pleasant 23° C.

Children will enjoy the playground with sandpit, climbing frames and swings. On the other hand, adults can indulge in various activities at sports grounds.

Nearby, there are many hotels with romantic views of Zemplínska Šírava, but also plenty of guest houses or tourist hostels and cottage settlements.

The resort is superbly equipped with restaurant-type catering facilities, where even most demanding sweet tooth will be satisfied. There are also showers, changing rooms and toilets.

The mountainous surroundings offer the opportunity to explore the secrets of the forests, jso let yourself be drifted by winding tourist trails.

You may need some: accommodation Kaluža
Tourist map (GPS 48.80589, 22.00622)
Google maps (Navigation)
Lenka Scirankova • Aug 2022
„Dnes sme navstivili kupalisko v Kaluzi a boli sme tam JEDINI zakaznici pocas celeho dna!! (rodina - 5 clenov). Bazen bol velky a voda v nom cista, osviezujuca. Plavcik bol priatelsky a aj pani na pokladni. Krasne prostredie vokol bazena a nadherny vyhlad na Siravu. Skoda, ze nie je vyuzity potencial tohto kupaliska, mozno by trebalo zainvestovat viac do detskych smykaliek, atrakcii a troska spravit 'fresher look' tohto miesta.Toalety a sprchy su umiestnene vonku, no nam to nevadilo. “
Jarohudacky Jaro • Aug 2022
„Boli sme tam prvýkrát a posledný!Voda celkom fajn,osviežujúca,služby totálne pod úroveň!!!Poškodené steny bazénov,nemáte sa poriadne kde zložiť,lebo plot je cca 2-3m od bazénov,pričom na tráve je kopa miesta.Na otázku,či tu nehrá nejaká hudba,alebo rádio,na mna pani ktora vyberala vstupné,pozerala ako puk a čudným výrazom tvare povedala že nie….(totálne arogantne).Fontány ktoré boli v bazéne,takisto nefunkčné!Vstupne na osobu 7€.Chodte si zobrať príklad z Trebišova,alebo Aqua Mária Veľaty,ako majú vyzerať služby v takejto cene.Hanba!Typicky slovenské!!!Srat na ľudí,hlavne že my zarobíme.😡😡😡🤮🤮🤮“

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