Flight in the clouds is an unforgettable experience. Be enchanted by the bird's eye view of Spiš Castle, the majestic High Tatras, or the tops of the trees of any slovak region. Fly in a small motorized two or four-seat Cessna or Diamond aircraft. The flight starts after a short pre-flight preparation in the selected location and we offer flights from various airports all over Slovakia.
The sightseeing flight takes 15 to 120 minutes and depending on the airport you can take 1-2 passengers with you. We fly all year round, but in case of exceptionally bad weather, the flight may be rescheduled or the route may be changed. Flights take place over the weekend, exceptionally after agreement with the pilot during the working week.
Sightseeing flight can be purchased and further information can be found on this website. You can book the term after purchasing the coupon.