On the hill of Hrádok in Michalovce in the Mousson's House, there is an observation located. It is a specialized institution that actively contributes to the development ...
In a picturesque environment near the Ukrainian border, behind the "Eastern Gate of Vihorlat" grows forgotten wealth. In Podhorod and the surrounding villages there are m...
The lake in the former stone quarry near the village of Beňatina attracts hundreds of visitors from the surrounding as well as abroad in the summer months. People call th...
A small village in the east of Slovakia hides great wealth. In the village of Herľany, there is** a cold geyser which is a European rarity**. If you would like to see sim...
In the easternmost tip of our beautiful Slovakia, there is the largest drinking water reservoir in Central Europe - the Starina Water Reservoir. It is built on the upper ...
A beautiful and charming place in Skrabské in eastern Slovakia is a flooded quarry full of glittering turquoise water. The quarry is surrounded by beautiful nature and su...
Opal mines in the village of Červenica were the only mined site in the world until the discovery of opal deposits in Mexico and Australia in the 19th century. Slovak expe...
When speaking of Tokaj, a delicious, fragrant dessert wine of golden colour comes to mind to everyone. in his yard. Even King Louis XIV. succumbed to this wine and let it...
In one of the easternmost municipalities of Slovakia, in the village of Ulič, you will find a fabulous mini-world. It is a gallery of models of extremely rare East Slovak...
Birds singing, tree noise or forest sound. Nature lovers can look forward to this all thanks to a 4-meter wooden megaphone that was installed along the bike path near Pre...
Mountains attract tourists to impressive bird's-eye views, but have you ever thought about what the lowest altitude in Slovakia can offer you? This place is located in th...