The ruins of Šomoška Castle are located about 10 km south of Fiľakovo, in the immediate vicinity of the Slovak - Hungarian state border. It is named after the Hungarian village of Somoskő, above which it stands.
The castle was founded at the end of the 13th or early 14th century after the invasion of the Tartars. It was built from basalt blocks that were mined directly on the castle hill. After the suppression of Rakoczi's uprising, it began to deteriorate, and at the beginning of the 19th century its last tower burnt down after a lightning strike. The castle was saved by extensive conservation and partial reconstruction started in 1972.
The castle hill is formed by the Šomoška National Nature Reserve, where a symbolic admission applies. A marked hiking trail leads from the village of Šiatorská Bukovinka towards the castle. If you come here for a trip, do not miss stone waterfall, which is located below the castle.
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